14. Kerry Lemon
15. Nigel Peake
Probably the most absract work on my list, I find Nigel Peakes images totally absorbing. I saw his book, Maps first and love it. However he has recently brought out an illustrated bike journal so Maps might have some competition for my love. Sorry the image above isn't very clear, you'll just have to trust me and look him up to understand the beauty.
16. Emily Winfield Martin
An Illustrator using oil paints I love her surreal and yet still quite sweet style.http://www.emilywinfieldmartin.com/portfolio.html - accessed 1/10/12
17. Lisa Milroy
Milroy's work is very varied but it is her paintings of collections from the 80's that I find particularly interesting. I love how methodical they are.
18. Bjorn Rune Lie
I love Bjorn's strange and lovely images. Each image tends to have a limited colour palette of warm colours that reflects the warmth of the characters and other miscellaneous objects and places. I first saw his work at the Jamaica Street Studios open weekend show, where I bought a great little card of a bearded mermaid, which still makes me smile now.
19. Mellissa Castrillion
An Illustrator that uses a lot of heavy pencil marks and simple shapes. I was drawn in by the pretty and yet quite haunting images for the true story of Sarah Henley; a woman in the 19th century who after being left by her fiance tried to commit suicide by jumping off the Clifton Suspension bridge but was saved by her crinoline dress which made her float down to the water safely. http://www.melissacastrillon.co.uk/illustration/ accessed 1/10/12
20. Kate Pugsley
She uses oil paint and watercolours to create these unusal illustrations.
http://katepugsley.com/category/painting/ - accessed 1/10/12
21. Katie Scott
She created the beautiful illustrations for the album by Bombay Bicycle Club. I especially love the image above and how it captures the song title perfectly. Her other work is just as intricate and with a colour palette just as enticing.
22. Rebecca Hendin
A mixture of painted, drawn and digital images, Rebecca's work is funny and aestically pleasing.
www.illustrationrally.blogspot.co.uk -valentine's day rally: no.42
accessed 1/10/12
http://www.rebeccahendin.com/ -her website
23. Sidsel Sorensen
An Illustrator using a mixture of drawing materials and digital media. Her work comprises a lot of portraiture and is often narrative. I particularly like her use of pattern and colour. I found her work on flickr - http://www.flickr.com/photos/sidsel_sorensen/ accessesd (26/10/12)
-And this is her website - http://www.sidseldraws.com/
24. Alessandro Gottardo aka Shout
An Illustrator he creates wonderfully clever and surreal digital images in a vivid but limited colour palette.
http://www.alessandrogottardo.com/index.php Accessed 01/10/12
25. Jillian Tamaki
26. Deanna Staffo
27. Devon Smith
28. Jorge Roa
29. Andrea Joseph
30. Dilka Bear